Testimonials from Members

Catherine Ngoma

Being an AFREhealth affiliated institution, the University of Zambia School of Nursing Sciences was given an opportunity to participate in the first cycle of the Strengthening Inter Professional Education for HIV (STRIPE HIV) project in 2019. A team from the School also participated in the 3rd Annual AFREhealth Symposium in Lagos, Nigeria in August 2019 where there was sharing of information and capacity building on implementing the project. e STRIPE project at the institution was successful because it was the first of its kind to train different health professionals in one setting in Zambia and the team received technical support from AFREhealth.

Catherine Ngoma,
University of Zambia School of Nursing Sciences

Dr. Roy Mubuuke Gonzaga

Being part of AFREhealth has brought very rewarding and insightful professional and personal positive experiences to me. My association with AFREhealth has opened doors for many opportunities ranging from collaborative research and grants, sharing of academic and non-academic resources and a supportive framework of professional colleagues from whom I can continuosly learn and brainstorm issues to address our common challenges. AFREhealth creates a network base of like-minded professionals across Africa and beyond that one can draw on for progress.

Dr. Roy Mubuuke Gonzaga,
Lead, AFREhealth HPER TWG
Academic member of Staff, Makerere University, College of Health Sciences, Uganda

Seun Falayi

My experience with AFREhealth has been interesting because I met, networked and learned from other AFREhealth members. It is an organization that houses all health professions that are growing daily. e organization's benefits are enormous, from personal to professional gains and growth. One thing to note is the willingness of members to network and share experiences. I would introduce AFREhealth to anyone.

Seun Falayi,
University of Ibadan

Dr Nisha Nadesan-Reddy

It has been an exciting journey of professional growth and development with the AFREhealth community. In addition to the communities of practice and collaborative networks that we have built with other AFREhealth members, I, personally have had the opportunity of being mentored by senior academics whom I met at the AFREhealth symposia. e mentorship and support I have received is enabling me to grow my research and professional career path. I am looking forward to the launch of the AFREhealth Learning Management system and I am privileged to be part of the working team who are working on rolling this out later this year. AFREhealth is indeed an emerging organization committed to strengthening research and education in health for the entire African continent.

Dr Nisha Nadesan-Reddy,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Contact Us

Mobile (Whatsapp): +233 50 835 1306

[email protected]

School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana