Title: Challenges and Solutions to the Climate Crisis in Africa

Join us for the AFREhealth Virtual Satellite session at CUGH 2023 hosted by the AFREhealth CUGH Working Group  

This session will be a moderated panel of experts and will focus on the climate crisis with specific strategic opportunities for African nations. Financial frameworks from the recent African Climate Summit and Assembly of the Global Environment Facility will be discussed. The intersecting roles of universities, African governments and high-income countries stakeholders to identify research gaps of known high-impact interventions and challenges to implementation will be covered. Specific advantages that African countries have in providing solutions will be addressed.

This session aims to provide an overview of strategic opportunities to address the climate crisis with a focus on African nations. Participants will better understand research gaps in high-impact interventions, the challenges policymakers have to implementation, and the natural advantages of some African contexts.

Date: Thursday 2 November 2023
Time: 9:00 AM EDT, 1 PM GMT/ 2 PM WAST/3 PM CAT, SAST/4 PM EAT
Duration: 2 and half hours

Facilitators/Moderators: Prof. Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde  |   Prof. Alfred Mteta





Role of Universities

Tim Evans
Director and Associate Dean of the School of Population and GlobalHealth (SPGH) in the Faculty of Medicine and Associate Vice-Principal (Global Policy and Innovation)

15 mins

Africa Perspective


15 mins

WHO Perspective

Dr. Maria Neira
Director, Public Health, Environment and Social Determinants of Health Department (PHE) World Health Organisation

15 Mins

Global Perspective

Dr.  Keith Martin
Director, Consortium of Universities for Global Health

15 Mins

Panel Discussion/Q &



Breakout session



Breakout debrief session


25 mins

Mentimeter activity: Word cloud 

What are the key challenges and potential solutions in addressing the Climate Crisis in Africa?

20 mins

Closing remarks and way forward

Alfred Mteta, Vice President AFREhealth

5 mins

About us

The African Forum for Research and Education in Health (AFREhealth) is an interprofessional health grouping that seeks to work all stakeholders interested in health profession education , research and service delivery to improve the quality of health care in Africa through research, education and capacity building. It is a conglomerate of individuals, institutions, associations and networks from all the geographic and linguistic regions of Africa namely Anglophone, Francophone, Lusophone and Arabophone. Read More...

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Office: +233 32 249 6882

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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

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