2021 Virtual AFREhealth Symposium
NOTE: The video links are listed below each plenary. The Breakout sessions would be added soon. Thank you.
Theme: Social Justice and Equity for Health in Africa
Date: 4 – 5 August 2021
Venue: Virtual
DAY 1 Wednesday, 4th August 2021
Moderators: Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde Milliard Derbew Beyene
Welcome and Framing the Conference Abigail Kazembe, AFREhealth President
Goodwill messages: Partners of AFREhealth
- University of California San Francisco - Eric Goosby
- National Institutes of Health - Roger Glass
Remembering our departed Colleagues
PLENARY 1: Socially Accountable Health Professions Education, Governments, NGOs and International agencies
Moderators: Fatima Suleman Abigail Kazembe
Panelists: Agnes Binagwaho A global View on social accountability in higher education
Keith Martin Social accountability for international Non-Governmental organizations
Geneviève Moineau Socially Accountability and Accreditation in Health Professions Education
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0DlbG6PB7Y&t=574s (Opening Plenary and Plenary 1)
Abstract Driven Sessions: |
BREAK OUT 1a: Topic: Socially Accountable Health Professions Education, Governments, NGOs and international agencies
Moderators: Rose Chalo Nabirye
- Bjorg Palsdottir: Evidence on the impact of socially accountable health professional education
- Elizabeth N. Christian: Building Infrastructure for Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response at the University of Lagos
- Sithembiso Blose: Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of community-based rehabilitation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
- Taryn Young: Improving the reporting of health equity in observational studies: development of a STROBE-Equity guideline
- Jinaw Qalib: Policy and process for developing the National Harmonised Curriculum for Medical Schools in Somalia
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4Q59bmEus0
BREAKOUT 1b: Topic: Epidemiological transition and disease burden of COVID -19, NCDs, HIV, TB, Malaria and Ebola
Moderators: Mosa Moshabela Oathokwa Nkomazana
Presentations: 1. Celenkosini Thembelenkosini Nxumalo: Perceptions and Understanding of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Primary Health-care Practitioners in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 2. Shane C Quinonez: Use of Family History as a Risk Assessment Tool for Noncommunicable Disease 3. Sanusi Musa: Human parvovirus B19 infection prevalence in Africa: A five year contemporarous meta-analysis 4. Colleen Fant/Macrine Olwala: Pediatric Emergency Training, an Academic Partnership in Kisumu, Kenya 5. Theresia Ambrose Ottaru: Ideal Cardiovascular Health: distribution, determinants and relationship with health status among adults living with HIV in urban Tanzania 6. Doreen Mukona: Challenges and recommendations for diabetes in pregnancy care in Zimbabwe: evidence from a mixed methods study
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy6pphANB48
BREAKOUT 1c: Topic: Research approaches to assess impact and quality improvement in health education
Moderators: Prisca Adejumo Midion Mapfumo Chidzonga
- Jamie Johnston: Cluster randomized controlled trial of a community-based mobile video breastfeeding intervention in Khayelitsha, South Africa
- Jennifer Jones: Investigating the role of certification in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) enrollment among Healthcare Workers
- Amity Eliaz: Transitioning interdisciplinary education for HIV from in-person to e-learning
- Machoka P. Kanario: Decision-to-delivery interval of emergency caesarean sections and the associated maternal and neonatal outcomes at Thika level 5 hospital
- Hadija Semvua: STRIPE HIV project experience during COVID-19 pandemic at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN_rxN3Plzc
BREAKOUT 1d: Topic: Service delivery – enhancing IPE/interventions to improve patient outcomes and health security Moderators: Judy Khanyola Moses Simuyemba
- Daniel Dejene: Applying Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (CLA) Techniques for Strengthening Competency based Curriculum Implementation
- Sarah Kiguli: Evaluation of Competency-Based Curriculum: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Implementation in one Uganda Medical School
- Adebola Afolake Adejimi: Awareness of HPV Infection and Acceptability of HPV Self-sampling for Cervical Cancer Screening among Women Living with HIV in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
- Omona Kizito: Determinants of Caesarean Section Rates (CSR) in Private-Not-For-Profit (PNFP) Healthcare Facilities in Uganda: A Study of St. Joseph’s Hospital Kitovu
- Peter G. Delaney: Lay First Responder (LFR) Model: Leveraging Pre-existing Transportation Networks to Innovatively Deploy Sustainable Prehospital Emergency Medical Services in Resource-Limited sub-Saharan African Settings in West, Central, and East Africa
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwuaZtsaybM
Topic: Poster Session1
Moderators: Aster Tsegaye Nthabiseng Phaladze
- Ebenezer Wiafe: The Knowledge, Awareness, and Perception of Prostate Cancer: The Case of Kejetia Market Women
- Felix Tetteh Dadebo: Evaluation of Treatment-Related Adverse Drug Reactions amongst Persons living with HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy
- Alemseged Woretaw: Crossing the Regulatory Chasm; Introducing Program Accreditation
- Asselef Tasew: Investment in Addressing Gender Disparity to Improve Health Professions Education in Ethiopia
- Jama Ali Egal: Transfer of a Health Professions Education Course to Local Partners in Somaliland
- Bekalu Assanew: Expanding access to digital learning avenues to enhance competency of the health workforce in Ethiopia
- Lynne Muthoni Gathuru: Analysis of Registered Radiological Equipment in Kenya
- Tsion Assefa Beyene: Technology -Assisted Learning and Collaborations to Improve the Implementation of Competency Based Curriculum: Hub -and-Spoke Institutional Networks
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVBJTvmiGlI
PLENARY 2: Epidemiological transition and disease burden of COVID -19, NCDs, HIV, TB, Malaria and Ebola
Moderators: Nelson Sewankambo Mosa Moshabela
Panelists: Emilia Noormahomed: The COVID-19 Pandemic: The case of Mozambique
Jean Nachega: COVID-19 Research in Africa
Ravinder Mamtani: Lesson from COVID-19 – "Re-examining Public Health Priorities
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6lr4Fa-OEA
DAY 2 Thursday, 5th August 2021
AFREhealth Annual General Meeting
PLENARY 3: Research approaches to assess impact and quality improvement in health education
Moderators: Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde Marietjie de Villiers
Panelists: Susan van Schalkwyk: Health Professions Education Research in Africa
Sarah Kiguli: Building Health Professions Education Curricular in LMICs.
William Burdick: Development of Higher Education Faculty for Research
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGcugftx8YE
Abstract Driven Sessions
Topic: Poster Session 2
Moderator: Rogathe Frank Machange
- Sanusi Musa: Adherence to Universal Basic Precautions among Haematology staff, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria
- Pule Solomon Moabi: Nursing Education Institutions’ Readiness to Fully Implement Simulation-Based Education in Lesotho
- Abdul Warith Olaitan Akinshipo: Loss to follow up on status of head and neck cancer patients seen at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Nigeria
- Evelyn Chilemba: The significance of strengthening Interprofessional Education for HIV Care among pre-licensure and newly qualified health care professionals in Malawi
- Lirosha Moodley: Perspectives on budget considerations for pharmaceutical expenditure in South Africa
- Promise Tamunoipiriala Jaja: The Perspective of Doctors to the Determinants of Access to Emergency Surgery in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx3tH44Wsjo
Topic: Epidemiological transition and disease burden of COVID -19, NCDs, HIV, TB, Malaria and Ebola
Moderators: Steve Kamiza Mamudo Ismail
- Levin Chetty: Physical activity and exercise for older people living with HIV: A Scoping Review
- Sarah Oluwatayo John-Olabode: Prevalence of Factor V Leiden G1691A and prothrombin G20210A gene mutation among pregnant women: Experience from a Multi-center study in Nigeria
- Sikiru Olatunji Usman: Evaluation of the effects of atazanavir-ritonavir on the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of lumefantrine in Patients Living with HIV in LUTH
- Shelley L Wall: Amputations Secondary to Burn Injuries in a Resource-Limited Setting
- Muhammad Bello Garba: Relationship between health insurance and self-reported quality of life among hypertensive patients in Kaduna State Northwest Nigeria
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYSUFafU4XA
Topic: Research approaches to assess impact and quality improvement in health education
Moderators: Onesmus Gachuno Abdon Mukalay
- Heavenlight Luzinge: Digital Transformation in Health Education: Case of KCMUCo during COVID 19
- Fred Collins Semitala: In-service online Inter-Professional Education to healthcare providers at health facilities to improve HIV performance indicators.
- Catherine Mubita Ngoma: Assessment of Interprofessional Education for Quality Improvement in HIV Care: A Case of University of Zambia School of Nursing Sciences
- Ian Couper: Opening learning to all – lessons from the experience of running online workshops for SUNSTRIPE
- Berhanu Elfu Feleke: Survival of Intensive Care Unit Patients among Referral Hospitals in Amhara Region, a Prospective Cohort Study
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8rbCZVRzE4
Topic: Service delivery – enhancing IPE/interventions to improve patient outcomes and health security
Moderators: Francis Omaswa Miliard D. Beyene
- Edward Dassah: Interprofessional education in HIV care among health care students and practitioners in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana
- Shardrack Wanyina: Posttest Gain Scores among Healthcare Professions following an Interprofessional Education approach for HIV care in Uganda
- Pillo Chillo: Measuring patient reported outcomes in congestive heart failure using Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire in a tertiary care cardiology clinic in Dar es Salaam
- Velisha Perumal-Pillay: An evaluation of the implementation of STGs/EMLs at public sector healthcare institutions in South Africa
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGYclU9seEw
PLENARY 4: Service delivery – enhancing IPE/interventions to improve patient outcomes and health security
Moderators: Judy Khanyola Quentin Eichbaum
Panelists: Petra Brysiewicz: Nursing education and practice -The African Trajectory
Deborah Von Zinkernagel: STrengthening Interprofessional Education to Improve HIV care Across Africa (STRIPE HIV)
Alex Coutinho: The impact of HIV research on service delivery
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn33HYRvzqw (Pleanry 4, Closing Plenary and Awards Ceremony)
Abigail Kazembe - President Georgina Yeboah - Executive Dirctor AFREhealth
Satellite Sessions was on 6th August, 2021.
For details and videos use links below;
HPER & IPE TWG Session
AFREhealth-CUGH Session