Prof Ruth Nduati – Chair
MBCHB, MMED, MPH (Epidemiology), Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Nairobi, Consultant Paediatrician at Kenyatta National Hospital and current chairperson Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology (KWUST) Governing Council.
In the past has served as chair of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Board of Management. Prof Nduati has taught many cohorts of undergraduate and medical specialist trainees in paediatrics and child health. She is the paediatric lead for the Fellowship in Infectious Disease that is hosted in the Department of Medicine of the University of Nairobi.
Ruth Nduati is an accomplished HIV researcher in the field of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and has published extensively, contributing to knowledge, health policy, and current practice guidelines in the field. Prof Nduati has for many years served in an advisory role to NASCOP EMTCT and paediatric and adolescent HIV programs. She also Chairs the Infant and Young Child Feeding Committee which supported the government to enact the Breastmilk Substitutes Act in 2012; and in 2021, the Regulations for the Breastmilk Substitutes.
Ruth Nduati is a member of the team that conceptualized the Community Child Health Kenya, a program that brings together residents from the University of Nairobi and the University of Washington to study Child Health together and to date has hosted 50 cycles. Currently, she is Co-PI with Prof Dalton Wamalwa for an NIH-Fogarty grant –(HEPI-Kenya) that seeks to strengthen inter-professional medical education and develop a pipeline for physician-scientist training at the University of Nairobi.
Nduati has received several awards in recognition of her professional achievements among them inclusion in the Kenya Government publication – Pioneers and Transformers – the Journeys of Women Trailblazers in Kenya – [Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board Biography series], and this year's Special commendation for lifetime research work at the 7th Maisha Conference August 2023.