Showcase of the updated STRIPE HIV course

Join us for AFREhealth Webinar

Please attend our webinar where we will show off the STRIPE HIV course, fully updated and available to AFREhealth members.
The goal of the STRIPE HIV course is to improve the ability of health professional graduates from AFREhealth schools to deliver high-quality, team-based, person-centered care to people with HIV through virtual training, focusing on the transition between pre-service education and entry into clinical practice. STRIPE HIV modules range from topics such as new HIV diagnosis to supporting patients with Advanced HIV Disease. Please join us to review how the course works, the topics included, and how members can start enrolling.

Duration: 1Hour
Samuel Owusu-Sekyere, Senior Program Manager AFREhealth

1st Speaker: Maeve Forster, STRIPE HIV Program Manager, The STRIPE HIV course : - 30 mins
2nd Speaker: Roger Lawrence, LMS Administrator, Accessing the AFREhealth LMS & STRIPE HIV Africa Course: - 15 mins
Q & A from the Audience - 15 mins

Supported by University of California San Francisco (UCSF)

About us

The African Forum for Research and Education in Health (AFREhealth) is an interprofessional health grouping that seeks to work all stakeholders interested in health profession education , research and service delivery to improve the quality of health care in Africa through research, education and capacity building. It is a conglomerate of individuals, institutions, associations and networks from all the geographic and linguistic regions of Africa namely Anglophone, Francophone, Lusophone and Arabophone. Read More...

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Mobile (Whatsapp): +233 50 835 1306 
Office: +233 32 249 6882

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School of Public Health
College of Health Sciences
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

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