Faith Nawagi: is the African Representative for the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), where she leads the development, implementation, and evaluation of the organization's Africa programs. She is based in Kampala Uganda. She is a Ph.D. Scholar in Health Profession Education (HPE) IPE track at Makerere University. She pursued her master's in International Public Health (Global Health) from Euclid University, Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the University of California
San Francisco (UCSF), and bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Midwifery from Makerere University Uganda. She has led various multicounty projects and programs in Africa in the domain of internationalization in health professions education in 15 countries with 56 training institutions, Nursing leadership and Governance mapping and global health, among others . She has worked with various organizations i.e., Johns Hopkins University, University of Minnesota, University of Oxford, University of Lund, Karolinska Institute among others to implement various global health programs in Africa. She has extensive experience in quantitative data analysis, scientific writing, and grant writing. She has received various research grants and been a PI and Co-PI on various research projects whose outcomes are published in various scientific journals. In Uganda she has worked at the frontline as a nurse in Mbarara regional Referral Hospital and Dokolo health center IV. She serves a parttime global health faculty role with the University of Minnesota for the past 7 years.
She has just completed a study for the Ugandan government on mapping gaps in elderly health training in all Ugandan Nursing Programs. She is due to start a study to map the COVID19 nursing care in Uganda. She has extensive experience in Health workforce domains in Africa in the domain of Health Professions Education, Accreditation and Nursing Governance, international projects development and implementation, development of global health training curriculum, teaching global health and research methodology, designing, planning, implementing, and evaluating multicounty and multisite projects in Africa. She has been actively part of AFREhealth since its inception in 2016 and she has led to the development of the AFREhealth Regional Exchange program for the past 5 years , the current running IPE program and the AFREhealth student community. She has been a consultant on the development of the James Hakim Leadership curriculum, Served on the student Advisory Committee , the Health professions Technical Work group and recently the East African AFREhealth Chapter.