AFREhealth CUGH Working Group (ACWG)

Date: Tuesday 2nd August 2022
16:00 - 17:30 East Africa Time (EAT)
Convener: AFREhealth & CUGH

The ACWG demonstrates that Global North-South partnerships are an effective way to generate rich ideas that focus on improving health systems through collaboration. Several programs at AFREhealth have been designed to empower and learn from partners in the South with support from collaborators in the North and South. AFREhealth seeks to contribute towards establishing and sustaining a responsive health care workforce, providing high quality, interprofessional and evidence-based health care in Africa. The organization functions as a network of networks in Africa, working across multiple countries and numerous regional and international partnerships to meet its goals. AFREhealth actively promotes collaborative partnerships as being key to achieving its goals. The ACWG collaboration draws together a diverse group of members of both organizations, representing multiple professions and sharing their experiences in various domains.

ACWG has in existence since 2017. It works towards, defining areas for collaboration for the two organisations. It has three main groups namely, Research, Interprofessional Education and Student group. The purpose of this meeting at the 2021 AFREhealth Symposium is to build on what has already been done and forge a way forward for the collaboration.